
Thursday, December 8, 2011

light switch cover

water color print, 8x10 frame

28x28 relief

14x20 woodcut

same deal
Done carving.

Pulled a proof (or reasonable facsimile) 3 sheets spliced together.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

mosaic coasters "Raaaawwrrr!! Im a dragon!" he says.

Rachel loves the king of pop. may have to re-do this one

A set of 6.

and another one

Matted and framed woodcut, still need glass.

frames, and the frankenstein-ed proof of the devil in back

6 block lino cut

same deal, different day

mosaic light switch cover, man i love making things

mixed blessings, hosta fiber paper, but it shrank like crazy once it completely dried. i printed on it anyways.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Plaster Dragons and Screen prints

My neighbor made this plaster cast of a dragon he sculpted from clay. He made the mold from
rubber, and cast two from concrete, and four from plaster.

It's been sitting in a basement for close to a decade, some kids vandalized it a bit

It's about 3ft long, and weighs a little more than 120 lbs

My turn to vandalize it after I broke some of the pieces that stuck to it from the mold.

...and I helped my student do a screen print, he wants to make some shirts.

Monday, October 31, 2011

couple layers of gesso, and some detailing

after dry brushing and some ink work, don't mind my mom and john's rear end...
my mask almost done

completed mask, all paper and wood, some acrylic

poster to help try and sell some tickets for Tracy's b-day

Thursday, July 7, 2011

And now the fish.

first 3 layers, some tweaking is necessary, then 2 more blocks to carve.

Monday, July 4, 2011

keyblock is ready for proofing. this thing took forever, it seems

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Fishing season

Key block, why did i have to put soooo many scales on?! It will look awesome, that's why!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Look at this print on my messy table!
Close up on my big print

rusty old coal forge tipped upside down next to my beer

the gears and wheels still turn how they are supposed to

but the bellows/ fan is frozen. it's a project for another day

13x48 panorama "Once Upon a Time on Main Street"

horses and carts on that bad boy

Friday, June 24, 2011

Not the Yarr Star System, but a close second.

new fb photo!!!

So far, 3 colors, this one isnt 5x7 but the final will be, and i have some things to carve out. I think a tranparent layer of navy will help in some areas.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

yucca are growing nicely. they make great paper

hand woven copper and nickel chrome wire

close up of the wire

yucca that i planted at the end of last summer, there are some smaller ones to the right, but they were mowed...